Kevin spacey im gay memes

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This 58-year-old grown-ass man felt “encouraged” by accusations of child molestation. Spacey was also quick to create a distraction by saying he was “encouraged” by Rapp’s story to talk about his personal life and proceeded to come out of a poorly constructed closet. Spacey was quick to apologize to Rapp on his Twitter account, even though he claims he “didn’t remember” what he describes would have been “deeply inappropriate drunken behavior.” Bullshit. Rapp said he felt empowered by the many women who have spoken up to take down Harvey Weinstein, another Hollywood star made famous by the people, specifically women, he hurt. Anthony Rapp named Kevin Spacey as his predator, telling BuzzFeed the name he didn’t mention in a 2001 interview with The Advocate when he had said, “He came to the bedroom and he picked me up and lay down on top of me.” The “he” was a 26-year-old Spacey to a 14-year-old Rapp. In a never-ending list of names, another brave and tired soul publicly announced his sexual assault.

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